Sunday, July 3, 2011

I am Free...

Yes, I promised there was more to come, however, life was up in the air for awhile.

Thank you all who supported me and many ways. Those closet to me, have known since June that the trial was over before it began.

Thankfully, John Morris was revealed as a liar and I was proven to of acted in self-defense.

I am not charged, convicted or have anything pending. I am a free woman to vote, join the military, be an emergency communication worker and a nurse.

I am free of an abusive relationship of which I had to endure daily verbal assaults and weekly physical/sexual assaults.

I am sad that, some are still having rose colored glasses when it comes to John Morris, like his girlfriend Andrea Vidis "Purkey" who has three children herself, including a 12 year old girl, of which I fear for her being groomed, like I was at 16 when John was a 28 year old man. I was not the first child he had been with, getting the 12 year. old Debbie Brent pregnant and another at 14 year old.

Some ridiculed me as to why? Why stay if he was that bad... Until you are an abused person, it is hard to reach understanding. I was surviving, trying to keep my children safe. John was/is bi-polar so all moments were not completely horrible but it was 2 days of happiness and another 3 of hatred or worse you wake to hate and he then wants you to tell him you love him.

Again this is just a mini-update, I have had so many supporters who have known me all my life and know the real John of which I do find it funny that even professional government workers describe him as a snake, creepy, controlling and tell me of their utter dislike. A bit frustrating that I was not aware of how they felt, yet I was a teenager... need I say more.

I am free and the new chapter of my life is beginning with family and friends I have been estranged from long enough.

Much Love,


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