Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Help! The Victim is being Charged as the Accused Spotsylvania County, Virginia

My Story begins as a 16 year old girl Melissa Morris being wooed by the older 28 year old wolf in sheep's clothing John Edward Morris. John represented everything Melissa wanted to have in married life a good man who went to church and could afford nice things. Less than a year later I learned I married the devil.

My case is that of domestic violence, both spousal and child verbal/physical and mental abuse.
I am a mother of three small children under the age of 10. I had possession of my home in a notarized agreement with my husband after felony child abuse and spouse abuse charges were filed on John in October of 2007.

October 21, 2010 could of been my last day alive.
John Morris hid in my home awaiting my return from the gym with my three small children. He waited for me to feed them a snack, put them to bed, wait for them to fall asleep, allowed time for me to let my 2 yr old labrador Madison outside to play, for me to put my wash in my dryer and take off my workout tops. Half naked I walked into my bedroom, into my bathroom, lit my candle and when I walked into my room to get my bath salts He jumped out!

John lunged out and choked me to the ground knees on my chest trying to take the life from me and telling me that. My screams woke my young daughter. She ran into my room begging her father to stop hurting her mother. He told me that if I did not make her go to her room he would kill her. She went. Several wrestling and fighting, choking,bending of my previously broken wrists thumb I ran out of my bedroom.

Again attacked, choked against the laundry room door frame to the point I urinated on myself. Again my daughter pleaded at her father to stop. John said I am going to permanently take care of her. I put her in her room. I ran. Only to be thrusted to the ground flipped over and knees on my chest John had a gun, his gun in my face. Struggling and thinking, "Why God, Why me, my children, Oh God he's going to kill my children!" I grabbed his "balls" and squeezed with all my might! The weapon, his weapon fell from his hands. I grabbed it, it would not shoot. I jumped over the couch while he chased me and next thing I remember is hearing 2 shots and my ears ringing. It felt like everything was buzzing he was still coming after me.

After John started telling me he was going to bury me under the jail. I would pay for this. Do I realize what I have done. I got a towel and applied pressure. I tried talking to my boys who were on the opposite side of the house awake now and telling them it will be okay. John demanding my oldest to come to him telling him it would be his fault if he dies. I looked for my bedroom key to get into my room to get a cellphone since we had no house phone. I called Spotsylvania 911. Still continued to apply pressure to John and tell them our address.

The real nightmare begins....


  1. Reading the blog backwards and applaud the blog as a way of gaining support, next steps would be to hit the TV circuit of GMA - Dr Phil -also the local and syndicated press. You have the beginnings of creating a book with your detailed journal entries. Perhaps when all this is put to right it would provide a bit of recompense(because the time lost with your children can never be gained back). This is an emotional and physical wound that will take a lifetime of healing for you and your children.

    After all Joseph was put through, because of his belief he was able to face his abusers and triumphantly proclaim "What you meant for evil against me,God meant for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive. " Gen 50:20 Joseph went from trying to be murdered,treated as a slave,falsely accused and imprisoned,to becoming Pharoah's right hand man in instrumenting saving multitudes from famine and death(pic of Christ by the way)

    The plan-purpose & power of God is sure!

  2. :) yes the backwards reading is hard. Sorry. Feel Free to fowards away :)
